Friday, January 25, 2013

More activities this term!

High School Theatre is speeding up as we are progressing in our rehearsals. We are rehearsing in complete normalcy with a steady and highly motivaded crew.

This term we are going to work on the script and the choreographies alike. We are going to have dance, make up and other interesting workshops. We are going to learn some relaxation and drama techniques and above all we are going to have fun!

Here's one of the songs we are dancing right now. Wait to see our girls dancing. They are amazing!

Barbie Girl- Aqua

Guest actresses

Today Julia Gual and Maria Ubach, 4th ESO students of school Vedruna-Àngels, have visited us. Julia and Maria are going to participate in our play as the MACBA guide and the posh teacher respectively. We have had lots of fun and hope to see them soon again!

Creating Warming Up's

1st Term Auditions

Maria Bladé as Juliet

The Cast

This is the final cast of Romeo and Juliet:

Maria Bladé as Juliet
Ricardo Cabanillas as Romeo

The Hip-Hoppers from Raval

Marta Fernández as Mercutia
Ali Gómez as Rosaline
Julia Cayuela as Iris
Jai Hue as Hermia

The Posh from Bonanova

Andrea Rovira as Audrey
Lidia González as Tybaltine
Ana Rojas as Cassandra
Paula López as Bianca

Guest actors and actresses (4th ESO students of School Vedruna-Àngels)

Maria Ubach as the posh teacher
Júlia Gual as the MACBA guide
Pietro Casati as Raval teacher

The cast will be updated soon.